Single mum but actually not.

little and large hands holding a daisy

I am not actually a single mum i have been married for 8 years and have two children under five. My husband is working 6 days a week 12 hour days and this leaves me practically a single mum! I mean i cannot complain about my hubby as he is bringing in the money that we need for our family but this gets me so down.

I do EVERYTHING , school runs , morning routine bedtime routine , the cooking and cleaning. I don’t get a second to myself and i really don’t and sometimes i feel like i am moaning over nothing because i have two beautiful healthy children but i cannot help the way i feel. Most days are draining , i don’t have any help from family as none live near here.

I am never wishing my children’s life away but i cannot wait for the days where i can get a bit of me time again, just to go shopping and not wonder where my 3 year old has gone, or turn back because my baby has filled her nappy. Can anyone else relate to me ? or can some one please tell me am i just being stupid is this all in my head ?

3 thoughts on “Single mum but actually not.

  1. Anonymous says:

    i feel the same, my fiance works away and only comes home at the weekend. it doesnt help that he didnt want our baby when we found out i was pregnant and i just feel like he never really got to have that bond with our son. He is 3 years old now and I really want another baby but he is having none of it 🙁 it is really tough but id rather feel like a single mum than to not have a child at all x

  2. Anonymous says:

    my boyfriend does nothing for my son who is almost 1 years old! When he isn’t working he prefers to spend all of his free time out with his mates, doing god knows what. He comes home at all hours and when I ask for some help to watch his child he tells me no he’s too tired. I don’t understand why some men just don’t step up to the responsibilities of being a dad!!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is really sad to read as I thought this was only me feeling stupid about my partner not helping out ( with his baby). Some men just think its a women’s job and we have to get on with it but this shouldn’t be the case at all. Becoming parents is something both mother and father need to take responsibility at the end of the day and if your not willing to do that then your not really a father in my eyes.

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