Hey mummies!
I am 29 and will be 30 this year and have three children ( 2 boys and a girl) before kids I was a receptionist at a 5 star hotel and before that worked shifts in a nightclub whilst on and off travelling. These last 2 years I have really been wanting a career instead of just jobs to get me by with money, I want something I can proud of to say this is my job and I love it. Being a mummy for the last 7 years has made me realise I dont want to just be at home when my kids go back to school I want a job but im also thinking is it possible now with three children? I would love to be a paediatrician but I would have to go to uni and this would take 3 to 4 years. Just wondering if any other mummies have advice have you started a career after children and if so any advice would be brilliant! Thankss!
Its never too late to have a career, its so important to still live a life you love when you have kids, this will make you a happier person for you and your family. Go do it go get yourself on the course you wont regret it and 4 years will fly by.